
North Herts Music Classes

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Andrea Lee

07944 759007

email: andrea.lee@musictrain.co.uk

Andrea founded The Music Train in 1995, and the organisation soon grew to cater for 1000 children a week, operating at that size for many years.

As well as being fun, The Music Train classes are highly educational. Andrea has a Masters Degree specifically in Early Years Music Education and Leadership as well as a PGCE in Kodaly based Early Childhood Music which means our programme is based on solid founations.

In 2024 we were selected to become an official Partner of Hertfordshire County Music Service, providing consultancy and training for their new Early Years Music programme. Andrea has also in the past, trained each of the Music Train teachers and written the current teaching programme.

Andrea is passionate that every child should be given the opportunity to develop their innate musicality to its fullest potential and a number of her pupils, taught over the past thirty years, have gone on to perform in West End shows and start careers in music. Most recently we have trained one of our early pupils to deliver EY music herself as a County Music Teacher.

Parents have said and written many lovely things about our classes over the years but this little quote sums it up, "She makes the class so much fun, and without any effort my boys have gained fantastic music ability which is helping them in so many ways."


TERM DATES: Friday 3rd January - Friday 4th April. No classes Fri 14th - 21st February inclusive. Note that there is NO CLASS ON WEDNESDAY 12TH MARCH DUE TO A FUNERAL. A catch up session will be taught on WEDNESDAY 9TH APRIL. The term length is 12 weeks (Fees are £9.50 a session. New families are encouraged to book a single trial session before committing to the term).

Day Times Age Band Location
Mon 09:30 2 years - rising 5 Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Mon 10:30 0 - 30 months Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Tues 10:00 2 years - rising 5 Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Tues 11:00 0 - 24 months Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Wed 09:30 2 years - rising 5 Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Wed 10:30 0 - 24 months Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Wed 11:45 0 - 12 months Nurturing Babies Musicality starts 26 Feb Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Fri 09:30 2 years - rising 5 Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Fri 10:30 0 - 24 months Mrs Howard Memorial Hall


Jan - Feb 2025: General Topic - Woodland; Advanced Topic - Peter and the Wolf

Feb - Apr 2025: General Topic - Our Bodies; Advanced Topic - Instruments we Blow


TERM DATES: Wednesday 23rd April - Wednesday 23rd July inclusive. The term length is 12 weeks. Note that there ARE classes on both May Bank Holiday Mondays. (Fees are £9.50 a session. New families are encouraged to book a single trial session before committing to the term).

Day No class Times Age Band Location
Mon 19th May 09:30 2 years - rising 5 Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Mon 19th May 10:30 0 - 30 months Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Tues 20th May 10:00 2 years - rising 5 Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Tues 20th May 11:00 0 - 24 months Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Wed 30th April + 21st May 09:30 2 years - rising 5 Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Wed 30th April + 21st May 10:30 0 - 24 months Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Fri 9th May 09:30 2 years - rising 5 Mrs Howard Memorial Hall
Fri 9th May 10:30 0 - 24 months Mrs Howard Memorial Hall


Apr - May 2025: General Topic - Colours; Advanced Topic - Note Names

Jun - Jul 2025: General Topic - Numbers; Advanced Topic - The Sounds of Weather


28th July - 20th August EVERY MONDAY and WEDNESDAY MORNING (Fees are £9.50 a session, Siblings £6 during the holiday classes)

Cancelled classes

We regret that if classes have to be cancelled due to force majeure such as snow, or on specific medical advice, they cannot be refunded.

Letchworth, Hertfordshire Early Years Music Classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers 0-5